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Natal Reports  Demo    
Natal Reports describing where the planets were at the time of your birth are at the core of Western Astrology. You cannot delve too deeply into Astrological influences without a Natal Report. Nor is it sufficient to just know "what your sign is." Our Natal Report generator provides the user with a tremendous amount of information to help them understand how the planets influence their lives. When printed the script's output creates a 7 to 12 page report.
  • Offer your site's visitors the ability to create a personal Natal Report.
  • Draw new visitors and increase return visitors.
  • Creates a graphic chart with representations of where the Planets, Moon and Sun were at the time of the user's birth.
  • Charts and explains the placement of:
    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Mercury
    • Venus
    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Neptune
    • Pluto
  • Notes and explores Conjunctions
  • Notes and explores Oppositions/Squares  
  • Notes and explores Sextiles/Trines
  • Notes Semi-Sextiles
  • Notes Quincunx
  • When printed the script's output creates a 7 to 12 page report.
  • Easy to install.
  • Since all of the interpretations are in database they are easy to edit to your needs.
  • Customize look and feel of pages easily.
  • Change wording of pages easily.
  • Use "as is," or drop it into your Site's existing look.
  • Basic Installation is available for an additional $25.00. For basic or custom installation please Contact us for details.
  • A Web Server.
  • PHP 4.1 or Higher
  • GD Library (Generally this is installed with PHP)

  • Single Site License:  $100.00. 
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