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Domino Readings
Domino Divination PHP Web ScriptDominoes are one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. Long before dominoes gained popularity as a game, the Chinese were using dominoes to foretell the future. Over the centuries Dominoes have been, and continue to be used by seers of many diverse cultures as a powerful tool to foretell the future. The interpretations vary tremendously from culture to culture. Some seers seem to see little but dire consequences while others see nothing but good. Our Dominoes Oracle leans heavily towards the positive side of things. Where others might predict disaster, ours focuses on action and change. In short, it is meant to empower the user, not cast them into the doldrums.
  • Offer your users readings using dominos.
  • Draw new visitors and increase return visitors.
  • 6 different readings to choose from including:
    • The Attainment Reading
    • Daily Domino
    • Relationship Reading
    • The Year Ahead Reading
    • Past, Present, Future Reading
    • The Four Courses Reading
  • Easy to install.
  • Customize look and feel of pages easily.
  • Change wording of pages easily.
  • Use "as is," or drop it into your Site's existing look.
  • Extensive documentation.
  • Basic Installation is available. For custom installation Write us for details.
  • A Web Server.
  • PHP 4 or higher
  • MySQL Database Access
  • UNIX or Windows Operating Systems

  • Single Site License:  $50.00
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